Leading-Edge Imaging and Sensing Solutions
Emberion develops products in the field of imaging and sensing using a combination of nanomaterials processing know-how with custom designed ROIC integration ensuring strict quality control. Emberion offers camera cores with full HW & SW implementation for analogue-to-digital conversion, image pre-processing, thermal and power management and a digital camera interface with IP rated housing integrated with its own image sensor components.
Emberion’s VS20 (400 – 2000) nm wide spectral range camera.
Our VIS-SWIR camera provides superior responsivity with very low noise over a broad spectral range from visible (400 nm) to short-wave infrared (SWIR, 2000 nm) wavelengths with TEC cooling integrated in the custom sensor package for stable operation. The camera has been integrated with in-house designed custom CMOS ROIC and sensor. The dynamic range of the detector is very large, owing to the low noise and a response that does not saturate.
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Emberion VS20 Core offers a full camera functionality with implementations for sensor readout and control, analog-to-digital signal conversion, calibration, image pre-processing, thermal control, power management and standard digital camera interface. A stable performance over a wide environmental temperature range is ensured with a thermoelectric cooling (TEC) element built in the image sensor package. The camera core circuit boards can be built into a stand-alone housed camera or integrated into a hosting imaging system. The module boards can be positioned in various ways due to the flexible connectors between the boards.
Emberion VS20 Core is available with GigE Vision interface.
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Emberion Mid-Wave Infrared (3 – 5 μm) VGA Camera
Emberion’s QD or pyroelectric based detectors provide a unique solution for MWIR (3 – 5 μm) imaging applications
Emberion has developed a library of material solution that enable creation of photodetectors for the full spectral range from visible to long-wavelength infrared radiation. Selective material solutions i.e. quantum dots/nanomaterials or pyroelectric technology enable monolithic integration on the top surface of our CMOS designed wafers.
EMBERION MWIR VGA Camera Technology:
- In house sensor development
- No cryo-cooling
- Library of materials enabling unique sensor solution for MWIR
Emberion VS20 product evaluation kit now available
Emberion’s Evaluation Camera Kit is based on our VIS-SWIR sensor providing you with the features and flexibility to test and evaluate our wide spectral band (400 – 2000) nm camera solution.
Explore & dive deeper with our Camera Kit!